



来源:北京新航道学校    时间:2022/3/29 15:35:41





  那首先我们先来看一下mirror这 个topic下的一道题目

  Do you like looking at yourself in the mirror?

  很多同学在看到这一道题目时会有些手足无措,给出的回答内容也会比较有限,如: yes, because...

  ummm.. because it will make me happy. so I often look at myself in the mirror.

  那很明显这样的回答内容会过于简短且内容缺乏一定深度 ,那不妨我们来尝试在提供了why(理由/解释)

  的基础_上再用when/where/what/who/how/feeling/comment中的一些点来进一步完善一 下内容。

  Yep, I love looking at myself in the mirror and I do it pretty often each day, like in the morningwhen I' m washing my face or getting dressed(穿衣服)/ putting on my makeup(化妆). Andsometimes when I' m hanging out with my friends at a mall, I will also frequently check myself inthose full-length mirrors (全身镜)in some shops. Yeah, I know I' m itte bit narcissistic(自恋的),




  Have you ever bought mirrors?

  这一题我们同样通过why/when/where/what/who/how/feeling/comment这样的一 些点来回答,首


  Yep, actually several days ago I just bought a new makeup mirror with LED lighting(带LED灯的

  化妆镜) on taobao. It cost me around 100 yuan. Yeah, it' s a ltte bit expensive but I think it' s

  totally worthwhile. As it makes it much easier for me to put on my eye makeup(眼妆).


  Nope, I' ve never spent a single penny on mirrors as there are already enough mirrors in my

  home, like there is a large full-length mirror in the living room and a round mirror in the bathroom,

  over the sink(洗脸盆) which can totally meet our needs.

  接下来我们再来看一些dreams和emails中的- -些题目以及相关的回答范例


  Do you often remember your dreams?

  1. um...frankly speaking, in most cases it' S quite hard for me to recall(回忆) dreamsI' ve hadas they tend to be vague(模糊) and abstract(抽象). But once in a while when I have a super scarydream, you know, a nightmare, then I maybe able to remember bits of it

  2. Yep, unlike most people who find it hard to recall those dreams they' ve had, I can always

  remember my dreams, like several days ago I had a super vivid dream in which I was fighting

  against some vllains(坏蛋) with batman, you know, that was really thilling.

  Do you want to make your dreams come true?

  Um... that actually depends, I mean, I certainly hope those good dreams to come true, like

  those dreams in which I became the wealthiest man in the world or had a superpower to travel

  back in time(回到过去) . But if you are talking about those bad dreams, you know, those

  nightmares, I would say ' definitely not'


  Do you often send emails?

  Yep, as recentlyI' ve been applying for a postgraduate/undergraduate program (研究生/本科课

  程), I need to send tons of emails each day to keep in touch with a professor. And I have to say

  those emails really drain(使人筋疲力竭) me.

  Nope, I seldom send emails. And honestly speaking, I think they are kind of outdated过时的). I

  favor using WeChat if I need to send some massages to my friends or my family, you know, it' s

  way more convenient/handier.

  Is sending emails popular in China?

  Um... It may still be popular in the workplace (工作场所) where formal communication is

  required. But in our everyday lives, those instant messaging apps like WeChat or QQ are more

  often used.




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